Wednesday, September 12, 2012


This week, we put together our first show with the singers. That was such a cool experience. So much talent in one room. We also had an office run yesterday, which basically meant we performed for our bosses and everything had to be close to show-ready. I wore all black and rocked red lips. I was a little nervous, but I think they liked it. Sarah and I dance well together, which makes it more fun. We already learned our second show and will begin yet another one tomorrow. Each show is unique and we get to perform more than one style. 

Clearly, we are taking advantage
of technology while we can!
There is so much to learn that I have to write down all of my numbers and videotape each dance. Hopefully it will become second nature by the time we get on the ship. There are still 3 shows left to learn and 3 weeks to perfect everything. I'm just now getting into a routine here in Cali. We found a cute lunch place called Veg It Up. Best blueberry smoothie I've ever had! For fun after rehearsals, my cast created our own version of Apples to Apples based on our jobs/random things. We all get along well, so I think 8 months on a ship with them is going to be a blast.