Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day

Today was the first day of rehearsal for us dancer girls. There is only one other dancer, Sarah. We get along and perform well together, so it should be a great contract. It felt like we were on our way to the first day of school. We packed lunches and took a picture (ha!) We learned an ENTIRE show. My brain is a hot mess right now. Not only do we have to remember all of the intricate details of the choreography, we must also stay together and utilize numbers, depths, props (feathers, balls, masks). We will be learning at least 1 show per week.  Our teacher videotaped our most difficult piece for us to practice and I also keep a notebook so as to not forget anything major. Tomorrow we will spend a few hours cleaning what we've learned thus far.
Do What You Love And You'll Never
Work A Day In Your Life.
After rehearsal we just chilled by the pool in the California sunshine. One of the guys in my cast told me that I have pretty feet. That made my day! It's important to have good feet in dance :P It really hit me during rehearsal today that I am living my dream. I've worked incredibly hard and dealt with so much horrible rejection in order to get here, but I would never sacrifice my experience for anything. Dancing can be physically and emotionally draining at times, especially when rehearsing long hours. It can also be a life-saver and a release unlike any other. I know that I'm so fortunate to have a job that I actually enjoy. Hopefully I won't be eating my words once we board the ship. I've never been on a cruise and have no clue if I get sea sick!


  1. This is a very nice blog Rachael & I look forward to following your career! I cannot believe you haven't been on a cruise. I have been VERY sensitive to motion all my life but the cruises I have been on never did bother me.

    1. Thank you! Definitely looking forward to it. Hopefully they won't bother me either : )
